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Full text of "An Evaluation Of The Deep Blue C Compiler"

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REV. 0.1 




The C programming language was originally developed at Bell Labs in 
conjunction with the development of the UNIX operating system, which is 
written in C. As a programming language, C combines the structured code 
and data organization of a high-level language with the machine-leve1 
interface that is possible with assembly language. Because of its flexi¬ 
bility, C is preferred by many systems programmers and others who must be 
able to directly access the computer hardware. The C Programming Language 
by Kernighan and Ritchie is the standard reference for the C language. 


"Deep Blue C" is a proper subset of version 7 of the full C programming 
language. The author is John Howard Palevich, who also authored the 
"Chameleon CRT Terminal Emulator". Palevich wrote the "Deep Blue C" 
compiler by making extensive modifications to the "Small-C" compiler 
written by Ron Cain and Brian Smith. In his documentation, Palevich noted 
that although Small-C is in the public domain, Deep Blue C is copyright 

Writing and subsequently executing a program using Deep Blue C is not 
difficult. First, the programmer enters his source code into a file 
(default extension .C). Next, the source code is compiled into a tokenized 
form (default file extension .CCC), and then linked with various other 
files to form the executable file (extension .COM). These other files may 
be files containing compiled C source code, compiled library files, and/or 
files (default extension .OBJ) containing assembly language code that has 
been assembled using the macro-assembler. The file DBC.OBJ, which contains 
the Deep Blue C run-time module, must be one of the files that is linked. 

This evaluation of Deep Blue C was carried out using versions 0.0 and 0.1 
of the compiler, linker, and library files. Some of the features and bugs 
described in this paper may be changed in later revisions of Deep Blue C. 

Of course, I hope that the bugs will be changed. 




Deep Blue C supports most of the program structures of the standard C 
language. This syntax includes assignment statements, single branch 
(if-else) and multiple branch (switch-case) decision constructs, and 
do-until, while, and for loops. The u break n , "continue", "default", and 
"return" keywords are also supported. Deep Blue C supports almost all of 
the operators of standard C, including standard arithmetic, relational, 
logical, pointer, assignment, bitwise, conditional, and shift operators. 
These operators can be applied to three types of data: integers, charac¬ 

ters, and pointers. Variables in Deep Blue C may be any of these three 
types, and may be either internal or external (using the "extern" keyword). 
In addition, Deep Blue C supports one-dimensional arrays. The "#define" 
and "#include" compiler directives are also supported by Deep Blue C, thus 
allowing the user to define his own constants and to include a file 
(usually containing the user’s standard declarations for a program that is 
divided into several modules) in many different programs. However, Deep 
Blue C does not support all of the standard syntactical constructions that 
are possible using the #define directive, as will be discussed later. 




A. Floating Point Numbers 

Floating point numbers are not supported by Deep Blue C. Functions 
may not return floating point values, variables of the standard C 
types "float” and "double" are not supported, and floating point 
constants are not allowed. As a result. Deep Blue C does not support 
any trigonometric routines or other functions that return real values. 
For many applications, this absence of floating point numbers is not 
significant. However, for applications that require a substantial 
amount of mathematical processing and/or the use of real values, the 
lack of floating point numbers may be crucial. A user who requires 
floating point numbers for an application might be able to write 
software routines to overcome the lack of floating point numbers. The 
addition of a floating point package to a future revision of Deep Blue 
C could be very beneficial. 

B. Structures and Unions 

Deep Blue C does not support structures (similar to records in Pascal) 
or unions (comparable to variant records). The absence of structures 
is unfortunate, as structures allow the user to represent almost any 
type and amount of data without too much effort. Using structures and 
pointers, a user can easily build complex organizations of readily 
accessible data. The use of structures make programs that handle 
large amounts of data easy to design and code. However, the absence 
of structures does not prevent the using of large amounts of data, as 
structures are only one of several methods that can be utilized to 
represent and handle data. Nevertheless, structures are useful 
because they simplify the design and coding of complex data represen¬ 
tations. Programs written using structures are usually easier to read 
and understand. In ray opinion, structures are one of the best reasons 
for using C as a language for programming. 

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1 . 


B. Structures and Unions — (Cont*) 

The lack of unions in Deep Blue C is not nearly as critical as the 
lack of structures. Unions permit the user to combine two or more 
similar structures into one structure with one or more variant fields. 
The supporting of unions would be convenient for the user, at a cost 
of necessitating some additional code in the object files for the 
user's programs. However, the question of unions is meaningless, 
since structures are not supported. 

C. Functions Returning Non-integers 

In the current version of Deep Blue C, functions may only return 
integers. When first considered, this convention seems unworkable, 
but with the exception of floating point numbers, it can be worked 
with fairly easily. In order to return pointers and arrays, the 
address of the pointer or array should be returned instead of the 
actual pointer or array. Instead of returning characters, the 
numerical values of the characters should be returned. Returning 
structures, if they were supported, would be accomplished by returning 
the address of the appropriate structure rather than the structure 
itself. The calling routine would have to know what type of structure 
is at the address being returned. If floating point numbers were 
implemented in a future revision of Deep Blue C, then functions would 
have to be able to return floating point values, otherwise much of the 
usefulness of floating point numbers would be wasted, and trigonometric 
functions and other routines that return real values could not be 

- 4 - 



D. Multi-dimensional Arrays 

The lack of multi-diraensional arrays is not as significant as it first 
seems. In the standard C language, a two-dimensional array is by 
definition a one-dimensional array composed of one-dimensional arrays. 
Thus, a set of one-dimensional arrays can readily be used in lieu of a 
single multi-dimensional array. The addition of multi-dimenstional 
arrays to a future revision of Deep Blue C should be given relatively 
low priority. 

E. Unsupported Keywords 

In addition to those keywords already mentioned, some others that Deep 
Blue C does not support deserve comment. 

goto: The goto statement in C is similar to the goto statement in 
Pascal, both in its syntax and in the desirability of not using it. I 
do not consider the absence of the goto statement to be a great 

typedef: When used in a declaration, the typedef keyword adds a new 

name for an existing type without creating a new type. The primary 
reasons for using the typedef keyword are to enhance program portability 
and the writing of machine-independent code, and to help make programs 
more readable. In addition, when teamed with explicit type casting 
(described in section III, part F), this keyword provides an excellent 
way of improving program security, especially in multi-user or multi¬ 
process environments. Supporting the typedef keyword would enhance 
Deep Blue C, but the absence of it is not particularity critical, 
unless explicit type casting is supported. 

- 5 - 



1 . 


E. Unsupported Keywords - (Cont 1 ) 

unsigned: When used in an declaration for an integer variable, the 

keyword unsigned makes that variable an unsigned integer quantity. 

The sign bit in this variable is then treated the same as any other 
bit. Positive integers of a larger magnitude than is possible when 
using signed variables could be employed if this keyword was supported 
register: The register keyword is also used in variable declarations. 

It is employed to advise the compiler that this particular variable 
will be used often and thus should be kept in a register as much as 
possible. In terms of the Atari 800 and the 6502 microprocessor, the 
absence of the register keyword probably saves more memory space than 
using it would save, due to the limited number of registers available, 
static: Static variables may be separated into two classes. The 

first class are variables defined in the main program outside of any 
subroutine (i.e. function). These global variable are known to the 
main program and all of its subroutines, and are "static" in that they 
are active during the entire period of program execution. They do not 
require the use of the static keyword in their declarations. The 
other class of static variables do have the static keyword used in 
their declarations, and remain in existence rather than "coming and 
going" each time the block of code where they are declared is executed 
When used in a section of code,, a static variable of this class 
provides permanent storage within that section of code, and is not 
known to any other section of code. Because Deep Blue C does not 
support the static keyword, only the first class of static variables 
may be employed with the present version. The addition of the static 
keyword to a future revision of Deep Blue C would allow the useful 
second class of static variables to be utilized. 

- 6 - 



F. Unsupported Operators 

As described in section II, Deep Blue C supports almost all of the 
operators of standard C. Two of the four unsupported operators are 
used with structures. These are the -> (right arrow) and the . (dot) 
operators. The absence of these operators is insignificant, since 
structures are also unsupported. If structures were implemented in a 
later revision of Deep Blue C, then these two operators should be 
implemented as well. The third unsupported operator is the "sizeof" 
operator. In standard C, the expression "sizeof (object)" returns 
the size of "object" in bytes, where "object" can be either a simple 
variable, an array, or a structure. Supporting the sizeof operator 
would be convenient for the user, but the absence of this operator can 
be eased through user-written software. The fourth and last unsupported 
operator is explicit type casting, which makes it possible to force an 
expression to be of a specific type. When used in tandem with the 
typedef keyword, this operation is useful both as a way of disguising 
data structures and as a means of increasing program security, especially 
in multi-user and multi-process environments. Explicit type casting 
can also be used for these two purposes without the use of the typedef 
keyword, and probably should be given medium priority in a revision of 
Deep Blue C. 


G. Other Unsupported Features 

Several other features of standard C are unsupported by Deep Blue C. 
One of these is the standard C library function "exit". When called 
and executed, exit terminates program execution. Exit would be a 
useful feature to have and probably should be supported. 




G. Other Unsupported Features - (Cont') 

As was stated earlier, the ,, #define n compiler directive is not fully 
supported. The macro substitution governed by the use of this directive 
is supported as defined in standard C, but the passing of arguments to 
the resulting macro is not supported. Defining macros using this 
directive allows the user replace a section of C source code with one 
word. This usage is very beneficial in cases where the section in 
question is used several times and putting it into a subroutine is not 
feasible, and when space for the source file is limited. The means to 
pass arguments to macros increases the usefulness of the macros, and 
not having this ability is a hindrance. Fully supporting the #define 
compiler directive in a future revision of Deep Blue C should be 
accomplished if possible. 

In addition to the #define and #include compiler directives already 
discussed, standard C defines a set of directives which control 
conditional compilation. These directives include n #if", n #ifdef n , 
n #ifndef", M #else", and "fAendif 11 , and are not currently supported by 
Deep Blue C. By making use of these directives, the programmer may 
compile selected sections of his source code. This feature is particu¬ 
larly useful for setting apart and selectively compiling code that is 
to be used as a debugging aid, and for writing code that is to be run 
on different machines or under different operating systems. The 
employing of conditional compilation as an aid for debugging is 
probably the more valuable of these two uses. Conditional compilation 
should be added to a future revision of Deep Blue C if the resources 
involved would allow it to be implemented. 




G. Other Unsupported Features - (Cont 1 ) 

Another unsupported feature is the capacity to use command-line 
arguments in order to pass parameters to a program when it first 
begins executing. For a user oriented machine like the 800, the 
absence of command-line arguments is insignificant, since programs can 
easily prompt the user for input. 

The last unsupported feature of standard C which I will discuss is the 
explicit initialization of variables when they are declared. This 
feature enhances program readibility and is convenient for the program¬ 
mer, and so would be nice to have supported. However, the initial- 

variables when they are declared probably does not decrease 
of generated object code, and thus probably should not be 
priority in future revisions of Deep Blue C. 

ization of 
the amount 
given high 





In several ways, the features and functions of Deep Blue C that are 
specific to the hardware of the 800 are similar to the corresponding 
features and functions of Atari Basic. For example, both Basic and Deep 
Blue C have a machine-level interface provided by the execution of a 
function called "usr". The execution of these two "usr" functions is 
approximately equivalent. Each accepts a mandatory argument, which gives 
the address of a machine language subroutine, followed by one or more 
optional arguments, which are parameters to be passed on to that subroutine. 
Both functions employ a similar stack structure, and the machine language 
subroutines in both have to pull the input arguments off the stack (using 
PLA's) before returning to the calling program, so that the top two bytes 
of the stack contain the return address. However, Deep Blue C has an 
additional interface with machine language that Basic does not have. By 
defining a function written in Deep Blue C using the statement "asm 
number;" instead of the standard function definition, "$( <statements> 

$)", the machine language routine located at address "number" is executed. 
This routine is assembled at address "number" using the assembler of the 
user’s choice, and the resultant object file (mandatory extension .OBJ) 
must be linked with the other required files by the linker. (in the 
current version, this means that the name of the object file, with the 
extension .OBJ, must be included in the appropriate link file.) The 
parameters that are passed to the Deep Blue C function are pushed onto the 
stack when the asm statement is executed, and thus are passed on to the 
machine language routine. By using this construction, a user may easily 
include machine language routines in a program written in Deep Blue C. In 
particular, machine language routines that are executed more than once 
should especially be included using this mehtod, as these routines are 
readily executed repeatedly by calling the Deep Blue C function that 
contains the asm statement. 




Deep Blue C and Atari Basic are also similar in the way input, output, and 
graphics are handled. In fact, the I/O and graphics routines for Deep 
Blue C have been modeled after those of Atari Basic, and access the 
hardware of the 800 on about the same level as the Basic routines. 

John Palevich 1 s movivation for this similarity is straightforward. The C 
language differs from most other programming languages in that it has no 
standard built-in I/O functions. As a result, every version of C has its 
own specific I/O functions. Most, if not all. Atari 800 user are familiar 
with the I/O and graphics functions of Atari Basic, and so Palevich used 
these familiar and easily understood routines as a base for developing the 
I/O and graphics functions for Deep Blue C. In some respects, this 
decision is unfortunate, as the Basic graphics functions interact with the 
hardware on a fairly abstract and distant level. However, programmers 
employing Deep Blue C can define their own I/O and graphics functions 
using the asm keyword described earlier. Although there are some differences 
between the I/O and graphics routines of Atari Basic and those of Deep 
Blue C, a programmer who already knows the Basic functions should have no 
problems with the corresponding routines of Deep Blue C. 

The graphics and I/O routines for Deep Blue C are contained in four 
library files: AIO, Printf, Graphics, and PMG. These files are presented 
in two forms of the Deep Blue C distribution disk, both as Deep Blue C 
source code (extension .C), and as compiled source code (extension .CCC). 

In order to use the routines contained in these library files in his 
program, the user must link the compiled form of the desired library file 
with the other required files, also in compiled firm, to form the executable 
file (extension .COM). Thus, the user need only link those library files 
which contain routines used in his source program. Unfortunately, when a 
library file is included in a link, the entire file is used, regardless of 
how many of the routines contained in that library file are used in the 




program. As a result, the library file ultimately occupies the same 
amount of space in the executable file irrespective of whether the user's 
program uses zero, one, two, or all of the routines contained in that 
file. For example, the minimal program shown below occupied 35 sectors on 
the disk when linked with the library file AIO.CCC, and only 17 sectors 
when AIO.CCC was not included in the link. Both the large and the small 
versions of the program executed correctly. 

main () 



Since AIO.CCC occupies 19 disk sectors, it is obvious that all of AIO.CCC 
was included in the executable (.COM) file, even though the minimal 
program doesn't use any of the routines contained in AIO.CCC. (The loss 
of one sector (17 + 19 = 36 = 35 + 1) can be attributed to the two files 
actually occupying a number of disk sectors and a fractional part of one 
additional sector.) If the linker were modified so that it searched the 
named library files and only extracted the routines used in the user's 
source code, then the user's programs in their executable form would 
require less disk space. This modification would result in a substantial 
reduction in the number of disk sectors occupied by the user's executable 
files. In the example above, the executable file for the program would 
occupy only 17 sectors regardless of whether or not the program was linked 
with the library file AIO.CCC, or with any other library file for that 
matter. Implementing searchable library files would not be too difficult, 
and would primarily involve modifying the linker so that it treated each 
library file as a collection of separately extractable functions, rather 
than as a whole file. The cost of implementing this feature would be very 
small when compared with the amount of disk space its implementation would 




The Deep Blue C graphics and I/O routines are distributed among the four 
library files according to the similar purposes and uses of the routines. 
The first library file, AIO, contains functions that allow the user to 
open, close, read from, and write to files. These functions are all very 
similar to the analogous Basic functions. In addition, the contents of 
AIO include routines that perform string functions (copy, length, finding 
a substring within a string, and returning the decimal or hexadecimal 
value of a string), filename normalizing, uppercase to lowercase and 
lowercase to uppercase conversions, and memory accessing. The memory 
access routines include functions for peeking and poking both bytes and 
words, clearing a block of memory, and moving a memory block from one 
location to another. AIO also contains the "usr" function described 

Printf, the second library file, contains the "standard" C formatted 
output function, "printf", and a related output routine. Printf is not a 
part of the standard C language, which has no defined input or output, but 
rather is a part of the standard library of routines that are accessible 
from C. Using printf, the user can easily specify the format for the 
output of program data. The standard library of routines also includes 
the formatted input function "scanf", which Deep Blue C does not support 
at this time. Both scanf and printf are discussed in detail in The C 
Programming Language , by Kernighan and Ritchie. 

The third library file, Graphics, contains functions that control the 
graphics and sound hardware of the Atari 800. These routines are modeled 
after the analogous functions of Atari Basic, and include "graphics", 
"color", "setcolor", "plot", "drawto", "position", "sound", "locate", and 
"fill" (similar to Basic XIO). Each of these functions operates in almost 
the same way as its Basic counterpart. In addition, this library file 




contains functions for reading the values returned by game controllers 
such as joysticks and paddles. These functions are "paddle", "ptrig", 
"stick", "strig", "vstick", and "hstick". Vstick and hstick return the 
vertical and horizontal components of the joysticks. All of the other 
functions operate like the equivalent Basic functions. Graphics also 
includes the function "rnd", which accepts an argument "n", and returns a 
random integer between 0 and n-1. 

Deep Blue C also supports a set of functions for manipulating player/missile 
and character set graphics. The library file PMG contains these functions, 
which are described more completely in the Deep Blue C documentation. 
Briefly, the character set routines permit the user to fetch both the 
current and the original fonts for ATASCII characters, and to store new 
fonts for characters. The functions for the player/missile graphics allow 
the user to initialize the player graphics, set the color, width, and 
resolution of the players, fetch the address of the players* memory area, 
clear this memory area, move the players within player memory (and thus on 
the screen), and flush the player memory when the players are no longer 
needed. In addition, PMG contains a pair of functions which can be used 
to detect player to player and player to playfield collisions. All of 
these functions help make player/missile graphics seem less mysterious to 

i i 

the user, at the expense of "direct" contact with the controlling hardware 
registers and player memory itself. Unfortunately, PMG does not seem to 
include any routines for initializing and using the missiles (as opposed 
to the players). Unless I am in error, the routines currently existing in 
PMG only access the registers and memory locations that control the 
players and not those that control the missiles. In addition, because 
these functions hide the specific registers from the user, the only way to 
enable the fifth player seems to be by directly accessing memory. Thus, 
the user who employs these functions to use players in his program has to 




include separate code for using the missiles. This omission of functions 
that handle the missile graphics is unfortunate, for it defeats the entire 
purpose of having and using the player/missile graphics functions. The 
intent behind the player/missile graphics functions is good, but unless 
some modifications are made so that the functions can control the missiles, 
they will be of limited use. If this analysis of the player/missle 
functions is incorrect, then the Deep Blue C documentation must be changed 
to correctly describe the operation and effect of these functions. 

In addition to the four library files, the Deep Blue C disk includes an 
extremely important file, DBC.OBJ. This file contains the Deep Blue C 
runtime package, comprising the runtime routines and the "C-code" inter¬ 
preter that every program needs in order to execute properly. The runtime 
routines include the 6502 code for the functions in the four library files 
which use the "asm 1 * keyword, and subroutines written in 6502 that perform 
the multiply and divide operations. The C-code interpreter is needed 
because the linker produces pseudo-code rather than 6502 code. If the 
linker produced 6502 code, then the resulting object code would exceed the 
amount of available memory. Hence, the decision was made to have the 
linker produce pseudo-code, which requires the presence of an interpreter 
when it is executed. Thus, the file DBC.OBJ must be included in every 
link of a Deep Blue C program, or else the program in question will not 




In addition to the unsupported attributes of standard C that I have 
already identified as beneficial, there are several other desirable 
features that are not implemented. One of these is some method by which a 
program may transfer control from itself to another program. Such a 
"chaining" facility is currently implemented in both Atari Basic and Atari 
Pascal. To transfer control from one Basic program to another, a programmer 
simply inserts a "run" statement in the first program. Using the Pascal 
chaining facility is not difficult either, and basically consists of 
assigning the name of the appropriate external file to an internally 
declared file variable, resetting this file, and then calling the chain 
function to transfer control over to the program within this second file. 
Atari Pascal also has two methods for the two chained programs to communi¬ 
cate with each other: absolute variables and shared global variables. To 

perform the operation I have just described, Atari Pascal utilizes two 
keywords, "global", and "absolute", and three functions, "assign", "reset", 
and "chain". Global and absolute are both qualifiers used in variable 
declarations. Global variables are declared using the global keyword, and 
require the use of a linker option switch to insure that the variables are 
each placed in the same memory location in all of the programs that are to 
communicate with each other. The memory space for absolute variables is 
allocated at compile time, with the address of the variable being a part 
of the syntax of its declaration. Assign is a function that takes two 
arguments, one an internal file variable and the other the name of an 
external disk file, and associates the two arguments with each other. 
Internal file variables are a part of the syntax of standard Pascal, and 
are declared as identifiers of type "file". The reset function is a 
standard Pascal procedure which opens the file named in its parameter (a 
file variable) for reading by resetting the file pointer to the beginning 
of the file. Finally, the chain function performs the actual transfer of 
control from one program to the next. The chaining facility is useful 




both for executing large programs which require more memory than is 
available, and for segmenting programs for purposes of modularity and 

In order to implement a chaining facility in Deep Blue C, several features 
are needed. First, some method for two or more programs to communicate 
with each other is required. Either of the two methods used by Atari 
Pascal would be suitable, but each would necessitate major modifications 
to both the linker and the compiler. If shared global variables were 
used, then the keyword "global 1 * would have to be supported by the compiler 
and the linker would have to place the shared global variables in the same 
memory locations in each of the communicating programs. Using absolute 
variables would require that the compiler support a special syntax for the 
declaration of absolute variables, including the keyword "absolute", and 
that the compiler allocate memory space for absolute variables during 
compile time. The linker would have to recognize this memory allocation. 
Standard C does not support file variables, but these are not necessary, 
as the names of files can be contained in arrays of characters, preferably 
declared as pointers to characters (they are treated equivalently, but 
pointers to characters are a little faster). An assign function would not 
be required if the names of files were contained in pointers to characters 
The file containing the program to which control is to be transferred 
could be opened and reset for reading by calling either the "copen" or 
"open" functions, both of which are currently supported by Deep Blue C. 
Thus, an explicit reset function would not be needed. Finally, a function 
to perform the actual transfer of control would have to be implemented. 
This function could be very similar to the chain function of Atari Pascal, 
and would accept the name of a file as a parameter, transfer control to 




the program contained in that file, and then execute that program. Thus, 
the implementation of program chaining in Deep Blue C would require 
complex modifications to be made to both the compiler and the linker. 
However, the benefits of having a chaining feature are greater than the 
cost of implementing it. Using the current version of Deep Blue C, 
programs may not be larger than the amount of available memory, which in 
the 800 is not a large quantity. After the implementation of chaining, 
however, program size would be limited only by the amount of available 
disk space. As a result, many large programs and lengthy applications 
could be implemented using Deep Blue C. The use of chaining would probably 
permit the compiler itself to be split into two or more separate files, 
resulting in more space for new features to be added to Deep Blue C. The 
implementation of a chaining facility in Deep Blue C would be difficult, 
but the benefits of having it would far outweigh the costs of its implemen¬ 

Another desirable feature is included in many other implementations of the 
C language, especially those implementations of C running on the UNIX 
operating system. This feature is a program called "lint" which performs 
more rigorous type checking than the C compiler does. Lint got its name 

from its ability to pick "bits of fluff" from submitted C programs. In 


addition to performing strong type checking, lint checks for such program¬ 
ing errors as variables that are either unused or uninitialized, arguments 
that are used inconsistently, and the using of a value returned by a 
function that does not actually return a value (but rather returns garbage). 
Given that most C compilers do not perform this kind of rigorous error 
checking, if is easily seen that having a program like lint available is 
very convenient for the programmer. The addition of a lint-like utility 
to the Deep Blue C compiler would greatly aid program development and 
result in a more complete programming system. 



Although the compiler has several helpful user-oriented features, an 
improvement in user interface is desirable. In the current version, the 
compiler displays the name of the function currently being parsed, prints 
rather cryptic error messages in response to the syntax errors that it 
finds, and rings a bell to alert the user that either the compilation is 
complete, or that an error has been found. The bell is only rung for the 
first error that the compiler finds. Unfortunately, the easiest way to 
determine that a compilation is proceeding smoothly is by listening to the 
numberous disk timeouts that occur during compilation. In order to keep 
the user aware of the progres of compilation, the compiler should display 
more than just the name of the function currently being parsed. The names 
of the functions that have been parsed previously should also remain on 
the screen. In addition, the compiler could print a special character on 
the screen for each line of source code as it is parsed. Atari Pascal 
displays a dot for each line of source code, and every 32 lines prints a 
count of the number of lines that have been scanned so far. As a result, 
the user is able to see that the compiler is continuing to proceed through 
the source code. Keeping the user informed of the progress of compilation 
is especially crucial with Deep Blue C, as the compiler is quite slow when 
compiling a program of any significant length. Reducing the time required 
to compile large programs would be major improvement, and should be given 

i * 

high priority in future revisions. 

The Compiler's error messages are obviously the error messages used in 
standard C. Even so, they are fairly cryptic, and could be improved. For 
example, for an undeclared variable, the message "must be lvalue" is 
displayed. This message does not tell the user that the variable is 
undeclared, but only that the identifier in question has been misused. 




Several additional features would make the compiler more convenient for 
the user. First, it would be very convenient if a user could go directly 
from the compiler to the linker without first having to go back to DOSi. 
Currently, when a compilation is completed, the user is given two choices: 
either entering the name of another file to compile, or returning to DOS. 

In order to use the linker, the user must return to DOS, and then perform 
a time consuming binary load of the file containing the linker. Unfortu¬ 
nately, going directly from the compiler to the linker probably will not 
be realized until after a chaining facility has been implemented. Second, 
it would be convenient for the user if the compiler would let him either 
continue or abort a compilation after an error has been found. Often, one 
syntax error in the source code will cause the compiler to print several 
error messages. Giving the user the option of either continuing or 
aborting could save him a considerable amount of time. The capability to 
abort a compilation could be easily implemented using the exit function, 
which is currently unsupported. The goto statement could also be employed 
for this purpose, but I do not recommend using it. Finally, it would 
greatly speed up program debugging, especially the debugging of large 
programs, if the user had the option of listing his source code and 
compiler’s error messages to the printer. In order to list this information, 
the compiler would first have to ask the user if he wanted his source code 
to be printed, then confirm that the printer (preferably an 80 column 
printer) was active, and finally send the source code and error messages 
to the printer during compilation. Adding this capability to the compiler 
would not be difficult, and would greatly aid the user. 




As a last comment about the compiler itself, I would like to note that the 
compiler (executable file CC.COM) is a very large program and that it 
'takes quite a while to load. If a chaining facility similar to the one I 
have described were implemented, then the compiler could be divided into 
two or more files, and the user would only need to load the first of these 

files. This would speed up the process of program development, especially 

i. i 

when the time spent debugging is considered. . 

i * * 

In general, I found that the Deep Blue C linker has better user interface 
than the compiler. The linker displays the names of all the files that 
are being linked together, printing each file name when that file is used. 
When the link is complete, the linker alerts the user by sounding a 
buzzer. If the link was successful, then the message "no errors" is 
printed; otherwise, a message explaining the unsuccessful link is printed. 
Usually, an unsuccessful link is caused by the existence of one or more 
undeclared variables or unknown functions resident in one or more of the 
linked files. The linker displayed enough information to allow me to 
follow the progress of the link. In addition, the linker has a convenient 
duplicate command that lets the user make copies of small files without 
going back to DOS. 

Like the compiler, the linker also could have some additional features 
added to it to help make it more convenient for the user. For example, it 
would save time if the user could execute compiled and linked programs 
without first having to return from the linker to DOS. Also, it would be 
convenient if the linker would print the contents of the user-specified 
link file (extension .LNK) on the screen before beginning the actual 
linking process and then ask the user if he wished to continue or abort 
the link. The user could thus examine the link file and perhaps determine 
that not all of the names of required files were included in the link 







file. If this were the case, the user could choose to abort the link. 

The ability to abort links could be added easily if the exit function were 

The mandatory use of link files for linking programs is a restrictive 
requirement. Why not have the linker prompt the user for a file name or 
jfile names and allow the user to respond .by either entering the name of a 
link file or by entering the names of the files to be linked together? 

The user would also enter some sort of toggle (similar to the linker 
switches in Atari Pascal), so that the linker could determine whether the 
name of a link file or the names of files to be linked together had been 
entered. Giving the user this choice would permit him greater flexibility 
in linking his programs. If he wished, the user could use the editor to 
create a link file and then only have to enter one filename in response to 
the linker's prompt. Alternately, in response to the linker's prompt, the 
user could choose to enter the names of all the files that he wished to 
have linked. The first method saves time, whereas the second method saves 
a small amount of disk space (approximately one sector per link file) and 
allows the user to easily try different links. Although the first method 
would probably be used most of the time, the user should be able to employ 
either method. 



Having been accustomed to the disk swapping that is necessary with Atari 
Pascal, I was pleasantly surprised when I found that no such disk changing 
is necessary when using Deep Blue C with two disk drives. I received an 
additional surprise when I discovered that it is possible to compile, 
link, and run Deep Blue C programs using only one disk drive. Of course, 
using two drives is much more convenient, but it is possible to use Deep 
Blue C with a one drive system. In order to do so without a considerable 
amount of disk swapping, it is necessary to have all of the following 




files present on the same disk: DOS.SYS, DUP.SYS, CC.COM, CLINK.COM, 

files contain the disk operating system, compiler, linker, editor, linkable 
run-time interpreter, and the four library files. Unfortunately, these 
ten files occupy 494 sectors on the disk, leaving slightly more than 200 
sectors for the user to quickly fill with his source files (»C), link 
files (.LNK),'token files (.tCC), and executable files (.COM). A user 
employing a one drive system will have to spend a considerable amount of 
time copying files from one disk to another. In addition, the size of the 
user’s programs will be restricted, and the process of debugging programs 
will be even more difficult than it already is. Thus, although it is 
possible to use Deep Blue C with a one drive system, I do not recommend 
doing so. Using a two drive system is easier, more convenient, and saves 
much programmer time and energy. 




In the course of examining Version 1.1 of the Deep Blue C compiler, I have 
discovered several bugs. The most serious bug is resident in the file 
handler of both the compiler and linker. Each of these programs correctly 
produces the appropriate output file if there are no errors or other 
problems. However, if I some trouble is encountered when an attempt, is made 
to read the appropriate input file, both the compiler and the linker open 
the correct output file,'but then fail to close and delete it when the 
problems are encountered with the input file. For example, during an 
attempted link, the linker successfully opened the appropriate .LNK file, 
but was unable to open the .CCC file that was named within the .LNK file. 
The link was aborted, and the user was prompted for a new task. Unfortu¬ 
nately, the linker had already opened the appropriate .COM file, and did 
not close it. This file was not listed in the DOS disk directory, but did 
occupy an entry in the complete disk directory which was examined with the 
"fixdmp" utility. In addition, using this utility to perform a sector 
trace on the directory entry showed that it had several disk sectors 
linked to it. Thus, not only was the supposedly deleted file taking up a 
directory entry, it was also monopolizing an unknown number of sectors on 
the disk. Eventually, after several aborted links and compiles, the disk 
became filled with supposedly nonexistent files, and a disk utility such 
as fixdmp had to be utilized to remove this garbage. For a user who does 
not have fixdmp available, this bug would prevent effective use of the 

The three other bugs that I came across are not nearly as serious, but 
they all should be corrected before the compiler is released, as they 
prevent the compiler from fully using the hardware of the 800. First, the 
sound routine contained in the library file "Graphics" does not properly 
access voices 2 and 3, so that the user is limited to using only two of 




the four voices. Second, the routine called "pmgraphics", which is 
included in the library file "PMG", does not work if the parameter value 

is 2., This bug limits the uer of the pre-written player/missile graphics 


routines to using single-line resolution player,/mi s s i le graphics only. In 
s ithe present version, this bug can be neutralized^ by poking the required 

i i 

values directly into the appropriate memory locations. The last bug is 
resident in the syntax analysis section of the compiler, which will not . , 
accept subroutines with the following general structure: 


if (x<3) x++; /*x is an integer variable declared*/ 

/*in the calling program.*/ 


This bug is not very serious, but it might be a indicator of additional 
errors in the compiler’s syntax analysis routines. 

The documentation supplied with Deep Blue C has at 
it. For the ’’plmove” routine, the character array 
octal numbers rather than decimal numbers as might 
documentation does not say anything about the type 


In addition, some of the documentation needs to be 
greater amount of attention paid to details. 

least one error within 
’’shape” should contain 
be supposed, since the 
of integers required, 
rewritten, with a 

There are probably additional errors and bugs that I have not yet found. 
I will report on any new ones that I find. 



Deep Blue C compares favorably with both Atari Basic and Atari Pascal when 
time and memory requirements are considered. I made my comparision using 
a simple player/missile graphics demonstration program translated into 

: each language. Rather than using quantitative methods for my analysis, I 


just T >er f° r F iec i visual compari sions . < The player/mi s s i le program was quite 
slow when written in Basic, but was significantly faster wheri translated 
into Loth Pascal and C, with the C version seeming to be slightly faster 
than the Pascal version. The Basic program occupied the smallest amount 
of space on the floppy disk. Both the Pascal and the C programs were 
significant larger (approximately 30 additional disk sectors), with the 
Pascal file requiring 9 fewer disk sectors than the C file. However, the 
C file contained both the compiled and linked C source code, as well as 
the Deep Blue C interpreter. Both the Basic and Pascal programs required 
the presence of interpreters, which were loaded into memory separately and 
were not a part of the program files. Because of the size of these 
interpreters (8K for Basic, 10K for Pascal), of the three high level 
languages, Deep Blue C required the smallest total amount of memory to 
execute the simple player/missile graphics program. In summary, these 
results show that Deep Blue C is faster than Basic, and at least as fast 
as Pascal (in this application). Deep Blue C also requires a smaller 
amount of memory (due to the relative sizes of the interpreters), at a 
cost of not supporting the full standard C language, and not including 
nearly as many features as are included in Atari Pascal. 

I did not perform any direct comparisions between Deep Blue C and 6302 
assembly language, but there is little doubt that using assembly language 
for development results in faster, more compact programs. However, using 
a high level language such as Deep Blue C for development has several 
beneficial effects. These include a shorter development cycle, portability 
from one machine to another that is easier to accomplish than it is with 
assembly language programs (when using two different processors), simpler 
program maintenance, and more convenient debugging. 

- 26 - 




Deep Blue C should be a solid addition to the product line of the Atari 
Program Exchange (APX). Although it only supports a proper subset of the 
full C programming language, Deep Blue C supports that subset extrememly 
well. Atari users who are familiar with Basic should be able to learn 
Deep Blue C with a minimum of confusion if they use a reference such as 
The C Programming Language by Kernighan and Ritchie. The similarity 
between the input/output and graphics functions of Atari Basic and those 
of Deep Blue C should be an additional aid to learning. 

Several elements of the user interface of Deep Blue C need to be improved. 
The compiler needs to display additional information so that the user can 
follow the progress of compilation more readily. This aspect of the 
compiler's user interface is especially crucial because of the slow speed 
of the current version of the Deep Blue C compiler. At present, the 
easiest way to follow the progress of compilation is to listen to the 
numerous disk drive timeouts. In future revisions, the speed of compilation 
should be improved, if possible. The linker currently displays sufficient 
information for the process of linking to be followed, so that improving 
the user interface of the linker is not as imperative. However, the 
linker should be modified so that the use of link files (extension 
.LNK) is not mandatory. In addition, the documentation for Deep Blue C 
probably should be re-organized and an index or table of contents added. 
Several sections could also be more detailed in their descriptions and 
explanations. Of course, the bugs that I have described and any others 
that are present should be fixed. 

The subset of the C language that Deep Blue C supports should satisfy 
those users who learn C as a result of Deep Blue C being offered as an APX 
product. However, the limitations of the subset will frustrate some 
users, especially those programmers who already know C. In particular. 

- 27 - 



the lack of such features as floating point numbers and structures will 
limit some users’ creative energies. Several currently unsupported 

» ... . . . j 

features should definitely be implemented in future revisions of Deep Blue 
C. In addition to floating point numbers and structures, these include 

i 1 - 

the two operators that operate specifically on structures (-> and dcjt) , 

. j. . • * i 

searchable library files, and allowing functions to return non-integer \ 
values. Some users might also find an implemented chaining facility 
useful, especially if one of the two methods I have described to pass 
variables from program to program was also supported. In spite of the 
absence of these particular features and the other drawbacks I’ve discussed 
Deep Blue C is a well-thought out product that will probably perform 
better than expected in the marketplace. 

As I have discussed. Deep Blue C has several advantages over the other 
high-level languages that are currently available for the Atari 800. 

These advantages are primarily in the area of time and memory requirements. 
Deep Blue C is comparable with Atari Pascal when speed of execution is 
considered, and is significantly faster than Atari Basic. The interpreter 
for Deep Blue C is much smaller than both the Pascal and Basic interpreters 
and thus programs written in Deep Blue C generally require less memory. 

In addition. Deep Blue C has two methods for including assembly language 
routines in a program, and is a more structured language than Basic. 
However, Deep Blue C supports only a subset of the full C programming 
language, and the limitations if the subset will prohibit the use of Deep 
Blue C for some applications. In particular, applications which require 
the use of floating point numbers, easily structured data (using structures 
chaining from one program to another, or any of the other unsupported 
features which I have described cannot be implemented using Deep Blue C. 
However, Deep Blue C is a good language to use for applications which do 
not require the compact code and fast execution of assembly language and 
thus can be implemented in a high level language, and only require features 
that are currently supported. 

- 28 - 





In order for Deep Blue C to be used as an internal development language, 
several improvements should be made. First, unless the compiler can be 
modified to perform significantly faster compilations. Deep Blue C should 

be present on the Data General, with the capability for full uploading 


from and downloading to the 800. A utility, such as the "lint" utility 
which has been discussed,) should also be available in order to ease ’the 
process of debugging Deep 1 Blue C programs. Second, searchable library 
files must be implemented, so that only those routines that are used in a 
program will be extracted for the libraries. The implementation' of this 
feature will result in a decrease in the memory required to execute 
compiled and linked Deep Blue C programs. Finally, Deep Blue C should be 
revised so that it supports some of the more desirable unsupported features. 
These include a floating point package, complete with a full library of 
trigonometric and related routines, and the support of floating point 
variables and constants and user-written functions that return floating 
point values. Other practical features include a chaining facility such 
as the one discussed, global or absolute variables so that two programs 
can communicate with each other, and the supporting of structures and the 
two operators that specifically operate on them. Additional features that 
are not supported at present could be implemented as the need or desire of 
them arises. In spite of the limitations caused by the absence of some 
very important features, many applications could be written in Deep Blue 
C, and thus Deep Blue C should be given careful consideration as a language 
to be used for development. 

- 29 - 






As I mentioned in the introduction, the standard reference for the C \ 
language is Th<e C Programming Language , by Brain W. Kernghan and Dennis M. 
Ritchie (published by Prentice-Hall, copyright 1978 by Bell Labs);. There 
are also a number of other books available. In addition, the documentation 
supplied with the Deep Blue C compiler is a good source of information, 

and th£ source code for Deep Blue C, is available and may be consulted in 

■ -f 

desparate cases. ,2 

' ‘ '• 1 . . } 

- 30 -